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Tackling burnout for Founders

Founding a startup is hard. Harder still when you are a solo founder with a small team. You have to handle EVERYTHING. Sales, client fulfillment, client happiness, and everything in between. Oh – and if you’re a bootstrapped founder, time is not your friend. It can feel like you must accomplish all the things at once. This relentless pursuit of success often takes a toll on the mental and physical well-being of startup founders. Burnout, that all too familiar sense of exhaustion, detachment, and reduced productivity, is a common pitfall. And to be honest, I’m feeling a bit of burnout myself so I wanted to share a couple of strategies I follow to try and pull myself out of this low point.

1. First step: Acknowledging it!
Before tackling burnout, founders need to recognize and acknowledge its presence. The persistent pressure to meet deadlines, constant decision-making, and long working hours can gradually erode one’s mental resilience. You must prioritize self-awareness and be honest about your own mental and emotional state. Sometimes you may feel a low point and not want to do ANYTHING. Sound familiar? Put a name on it.

2. Reevaluate Your Goals and Expectations
If you’re anything like me, you may often set incredibly high standards for yourself and your business. While ambition is essential, unrealistic expectations can breed burnout. Reevaluate your goals and break them down into smaller, achievable milestones. Remember that setbacks and pivots are part of the entrepreneurial journey; they do not equate to failure. Try the 80/20 method. What is the 20% of effort you need to put in in order to yield the most results. Get out of the busy day-to-day work and FOCUS.

3. Delegate and Collaborate
When you are responsible for the growth of a company, it’s tough to determine what to delegate. It’s common to struggle with delegation due to the fear of losing control. However, wearing too many hats contributes to burnout. Learning to delegate tasks to capable team members not only alleviates your workload but also empowers your team and fosters a culture of trust and collaboration. For those recurring tasks that you can do with your brain switched off – delegate it! Record Loom videos walking through how you do it and then hand it off to a team member. Ask them to write the SOP (standard operating procedure) for the process and document it. Now, your team is empowered to handle it.

4. Prioritize Self-Care
Startup culture often glorifies the “hustle” and long work hours, but neglecting self-care only accelerates burnout. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, sufficient sleep, and mindfulness practices can significantly boost your mental and physical well-being. Set boundaries for work hours and make time for hobbies and activities that bring you joy. For me, that looks like going to the spa to unwind for a couple of hours. Find something creative that you enjoy and just do that.

5. Embrace Time Management Techniques
Time is an entrepreneur’s most valuable resource. Implementing effective time management techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique or the Eisenhower Matrix, can help you structure your day, enhance productivity, and prevent burnout-inducing work overload. If you work best in the mornings, prioritize the most important tasks during that time. Time box whatever you’re working on. In addition, you may find success in batch working (focusing on a single type of task for a period of time) so that your mind is in the right place. Now, these aren’t one size fits all so find a method that works for YOU.

6. Seek a Support Network
Entrepreneurship can be isolating. Connect with other startup founders, mentors, or coaches who have faced similar challenges. Sharing experiences, seeking advice, and receiving support from those who understand your journey can be immensely comforting and enlightening. I’ve started seeking advice from those I respect in the space and oh my goodness – it can be SO refreshing! Oftentimes, you KNOW the right answer and it’s helpful to talk it through with someone for validation that you’re on the right path.

7. Learn the Art of Saying No
Saying yes to every opportunity or request will stretch you thin. It’s important to evaluate each commitment and decline those that don’t align with your priorities. Politely declining or negotiating is a skill that can protect your time and energy. It can be tough to say no but know your non-negotiables. For example: say you work best with a day that is meeting free. DO IT. Stop scheduling time on a day that you know throws you off your flow.

8. Take Breaks and Vacations
Stepping away from work, even for short breaks, can boost creativity and prevent burnout. Don’t hesitate to take longer vacations to completely disconnect and recharge. Your startup’s success relies on your ability to perform at your best, and that requires periods of rest. I know I mentioned that time is your greatest asset and at times your greatest blocker. Find the sweet spot of rest.

9. Focus on What You Can Control
As founders, it can be easy to worry about factors beyond their control, such as market fluctuations, competition, or even a lack of responses to your messages. Instead, channel your energy towards what you can influence: your product, your team, and your response to challenges. You can control what YOU do to mitigate challenges. Take solace in that fact and keep going. You’re not doing anything wrong. Trust yourself and trust the process.

10. Professional Help is Not a Sign of Weakness
If burnout has significantly affected your mental health, seeking professional help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Therapists or counselors can provide coping strategies and a safe space to navigate the emotional toll of startup life.

Overcoming burnout is not a one-time achievement; it’s an ongoing commitment to your well-being and the health of your startup. By acknowledging the signs, reevaluating expectations, practicing self-care, seeking support, and mastering time management, you can pave the way for a more sustainable and rewarding entrepreneurial journey. Remember, the success of your startup is intricately tied to your ability to maintain a healthy balance between ambition and well-being.

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